Scott’s Newsletter #35

Buzzfeed went deep in exploring Apple’s intense quest to transform photography.

Voice is a powerful medium. NiemanLab explains its appeal and potential related to news consumption.

Speaking of NiemanLab, they reported that Facebook is about to introduce subscriptions for publishers. WaPo and NYT are out, though.

Google is also doing more for publishers, including helping them drive more subscription revenue

…and paying them to produce content for their Snapchat-Discover-like product for AMP.

Exploring the deeply seeded question: why do bobbleheads always look so terrible?

Goodbye, DaRealStanch – my first AOL Instant Messenger handle. AOL is shutting down the service Dec. 15.

The Information has, well, information on skinny bundles not doing so hot.

Socks. We all wear them – we do, right? Maybe that’s one of the reasons Bloomberg says socks are the next thing to disrupt Silicon Valley.

Finally, I walk through Times Square at least once per week. Thanks to AdWeek, now I know just how much revenue those billboards bring in.

Rock and Roll.

My last newsletter had an open rate of 40% (-10.9%).

Sign up for my bi-weekly email newsletter where I’ll share what I’ve written about or read from around the web related to mobile, digital, emerging media + tech and more. The newsletter is sent 8 p.m. ET on Sunday and appears on 10 a.m. ET on Monday.

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