Scott’s Newsletter #27

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there, including my own! Let’s get right to it…

Great feature in Fast Company highlighting a lot of the work my team and the rest of the NBA is doing in technology.

I’ve long argued that the Washington Post is a tech company. They build great news products to help fund their journalism. NPR agrees.

More ads in Facebook Instant articles? Still won’t make it any more enticing for publishers to jump in.

Apple announced new hardware (the HomePod) two weeks ago. That device puts Siri in the spotlight again. WSJ (paywall) explores why Apple’s AI/voice product is struggling.

Speaking (pun intended) of Siri: Amazon’s device executive believes Alexa should be able to interact with Siri one day.

The NBA is one of the best when it comes to social media. If you haven’t checked out their Finals work on Snapchat, you’re missing out.

Sports Illustrated went behind-the-scenes with Stephen Curry’s security guard.

ESPN’s behind-the-scenes account of planning Muhammad Ali’s funeral, and the secrecy and respect, was riviting.

Finally, have you ever wondered just how hard it is to hit a home run in a Major League ballpark? This is one man’s account of his quest to accomplish the feat.

Rock and Roll.

My last newsletter had an open rate of 39.2% (-5.9%).

Sign up for my bi-weekly email newsletter where I’ll share what I’ve written about or read from around the web related to mobile, digital, emerging media + tech and more. The newsletter is sent 8 p.m. ET on Sunday nights and appears on 10 a.m. ET on Monday.

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